The Whole World Is
Our Family

At the Ravi and Naina Patel Foundation, we believe happiness should be every living being’s birthright. We are here to assist in making that the case.

About Us

As a family team, we’ve been working together for over 15 years to make happiness possible for underserved communities by promoting basic education, proper nutrition, secure housing, and a healthier environment through our nonprofit organization.

Our Mission

The RNP Foundation is committed to increasing the overall well-being of our neighbors and beyond. As long time meditation practitioners, we believe the path to lasting happiness is through spirituality, but before establishing self-transcendence, an individual must have their basic living, education, nutritional, and environmental needs met. Our mission is to nurture a safer, healthier world in which every person can achieve lasting happiness that spans for generations.


Our Pillars

At the RNP Foundation, we’re driven by the five core pillars of our organization: addressing homelessness, promoting better education, caring for the environment, providing nourishment, and fostering a sense of spirituality.

Our Covid-19 Response

Although we focus the majority of our funds and efforts toward our pillars, we are quick to adjust in times of crisis. Over the last year, we were able to divert a large amount of our time and resources toward COVID-19 relief, with a particular focus on high-risk communities, including the unhoused, the incarcerated, migrant workers, and indigenous peoples on reservations.

Our Covid-19 Response

Although we focus the majority of our funds and efforts toward our pillars, we are quick to adjust in times of crisis. Over the last year, we were able to divert a large amount of our time and resources toward COVID-19 relief, with a particular focus on high-risk communities, including the unhoused, the incarcerated, migrant workers, and indigenous peoples on reservations.

Check out our Blog Posts

M.K. Gandhi Center Opening

The RNP Foundation is proud to announce the opening of the M.K. Gandhi Center-Inner Peace and Sarvodaya at the CSU Fresno campus. The RNP Foundation

Business Focused Fellowship

We at the RNP Foundation are avid supporters of the values, philosophy, and strategic approaches Mahatma Gandhi espoused for creating a more peaceful, loving, happy

Bakersfield College Peace Garden

Bakersfield College has impressively embraced the mission of outer and inner peace. In order to begin spreading peace throughout the campus BC has had a